With the last house nearing completion, Oconee County Habitat for Humanity will soon finish its Butler School Road build in Westminster. This nine house subdivision, built on the former site of the Butler School, received generous grants from Schneider Electric, Wells Fargo Bank, and the Western Upstate Realtors Association to help offset construction costs. Employee volunteers from Schneider Electric, Wells Fargo Bank, Itron and several local churches periodically came out in force and swung hammers, hoisted walls and provided much appreciated help to our regular construction and landscaping volunteers.
A completed four bedroom house in the Butler School neighborhood
The street itself ends in a cul de sac and maple trees were planted in each yard to enhance the beauty of the neighborhood. It will be a great place for our new homeowners to raise a family. At last count, there were over twenty kids living in this new neighborhood. Anyone want to play tag?
Wells Fargo Volunteers ready for a day of work
Habitat volunteers installing energy efficient windows
The “Cut Team” keeps cut lumber coming for the carpenters
“Motley Crew” - Most of the regular volunteer construction crew who built the Butler School Road subdivision